Who are we?

Our Identity and Professional Culture

1 - Our history, our manager and our consultants

Created in APRIL 2008, solidly established for 15 years in the Eastern Pyrenees and also operating in the departments of Aude and Herault, the International Real Estate Agency LPI - Real Estate has its headquarters in PERPIGNAN ( 66 000 ) - 4 Rue Saint ( between the two most beautiful squares of the Historic Centre of PERPIGNAN / Place de La Loge and Place Gambetta ) .

Our Agency is mainly oriented towards the sale of Character and Prestige Properties to an International Clientele of Buyers who often pay cash and/or have a high purchasing power (as well as to Middle and Senior French Executives).

We also accompany, but to a lesser extent, first-time buyers in their real estate acquisition projects, which often involve smaller budgets.

Our agency is managed by Rodriguez François, founding partner with the status of :

  • Real Estate Agent and Chartered Real Estate Expert, and Member of the NATIONAL CENTRE OF EXPERTISE (CNE)

Previously, he has :

  • practised the profession of Chartered Accountant mainly oriented towards the Audit of Banks
  • was formerly registered in the Order of Chartered Accountants of Paris Ile de France
  • held the position of Senior Manager of a major French bank

Around its Director, there is a human-sized team of 3 Negotiators, all of whom are concerned with providing a personalised service to our Clients, and within the framework of a transparent and balanced approach for both Sellers and Buyers.

Since the 1st of April 2008, our Agency has neither suffered nor caused any damage to its activities. Our Professional Liability Insurance Policy has never been called upon.

2 - Our Technical Expertise and Commercial Orientation

It is naturally that our Real Estate Agency verifies, prior to any commitment on a Real Estate, the financial capacity of the Purchasers, their capacity of indebtedness in the event of recourse to the Bank Credit and advises them as well as possible on the Constitution of their File of Financing.

We advise our Clients on the optimal way to acquire Real Estate and on their financing :

  • with regard to their asset protection (Exposure of real estate assets to Professional Activity Risks)
  • with the concern of the tax optimisation of the cost of their transmission to the heirs (Successions / Dismemberment of the Property, Donations and Transfers of shares of SCI)
  • with the optimal choice of the taxation of rental income (SCI subject to corporation tax)
  • with the search for the maximum Leverage Effect on Rental Income Investments. (Cost of Credit / Rental Income ratio)

We favour a smaller portfolio of properties for sale than competing agencies in order to ensure a better follow-up of their marketing and in order to sell them within a reasonable timeframe thanks to important advertising means both in France and internationally.

Our Agency does not work in the "MASS". We scrupulously select the Properties to be marketed as well as the Geographical Sectors where they are located.

The heading "OUR SALES" and the CUSTOMER OPINIONS which have been issued to us and which can be consulted on our Advertising Site are indicative of our Commercial Positioning.


The precept "You buy the property as it is" so much put forward by the Professionals of the Real Estate Transaction does not constitute for our Agency the outcome of our mission of Real Estate Agent.

On the contrary, we justify our Agency Fees beyond the role of intermediary and the follow-up of the sale file with the Notaries. In our purchase proposals, signed and containing the conditions of the sale, we undertake, if necessary, to assist the Selling Owners and the Purchasers in the following administrative procedures:

  • Preliminary Declaration of Works Not Subject to Building Permit (Cerfa Declaration N° 13 703-08) - Administrative regularisation with the Urbanism of the files of "swimming pool, technical room and change of destination not declared".
  • DACCT - Completion and Conformity of Works (Cerfa Declaration N° 13 408-06)
  • Attestation of No Opposition to the Conformity of the Works- article R. 462-10 of the town planning code
  • Change of use of a built area / Cadastral rental value (Cerfa Declaration 6650 : Declaration model H1)
  • Sale of buildings and plots of land ( Dismantling - Management of the implementation of the new co-ownership regulations and of the land survey file / Cadastral Parcel Amendment Document (DMPC) directly with the Surveyor and the Notary )
  • Management of the Septic Tank Upgrade Files with the SPANC (Public Service for Non-Collective Sanitation)
  • Personalized drafting of the Sales Agreements by our Agency in a very short time if necessary and with an official pre-validation by the notaries in view of their signature either at our Agency, or remotely thanks to our "electronic signature module".

All of these steps allow us to secure and complete all our sales files.

This is our ADDED VALUE

The drafting and delivery by our Agency to the Selling Owners of a Report of Expertise in Market Value of their Property in accordance with the European TEGOVA Standards and prior to the signature of the Sale Mandate, allows them to know its true value on the Real Estate Market and to compare it to the Selling Price at which they wish to propose it to the Public of ACQUIRERS .

The European Property Valuation Standards are regulated and governed by TEGOVA (The European Group of Valuers Associations) and in particular by TEGoVA France which groups together 6 French organisations which are members (CEIF, IFEI, Superior Council of Notaries, Confederation of Land Experts , AFREXIM, SNPI) and comprising nearly 2,000 property valuation experts spread throughout France.

Only an AGREED REAL ESTATE EXPERT registered with the NATIONAL CENTRE OF EXPERTISE in France is entitled, unlike the REAL ESTATE AGENT, to issue this type of report which constitutes a Quality Label.

Our Real Estate Agency is managed by Rodriguez François, its Founder Manager, who holds the status of AGREED REAL ESTATE EXPERT, Member of the NATIONAL CENTRE OF EXPERTISE.


  • 9 Rue des 3 Journées 66000 PERPIGNAN
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